Wednesday, November 3, 2010


America... today is November 3rd., 2010. The day after the tsunami that just rocked the democrats and specially our President Hussein Barack Obama. The day that our House of Representatives experienced a record change of power when Republicans gained over 60 seats in the House and 6 in the Senate, and maybe more... Is this a day to rejoice and celebrate?... No, in my modest opinion. Instead this should be JUDGEMENT DAY.

In my humble opinion today is the day where each and everyone of us should face the truth, once and for all. Leaving aside party lines, today is the day to look at HOW DID WE GET HERE?... And,WHOSE FAULT WAS IT?...

I am aware that the great majority of us refuse to accept being wrong... also, that we invariably look somewhere else to find a 'guilty party'... and it is understandable, nobody wants to be blamed for the mishaps of their country... but, (for once) why are we not 100% honest with ourselves and look at what has happened to America during the last few years. 

It really is everyone's fault... Politicians first. Why? Because they allowed foreign interest to steal the jobs from our cities in exchange for personal benefits in the form of favors, trips, properties, cash, etc. Nobody wants to deal with the facts but these are the reasons why people get involved in politics. How can I benefit myself, as result of my 'devotion' to my constituency... 
Deals, negotiations, taking under the table, perks, voting to serve private interests, and all this is done, hiding behind the best interest of the people... let's be realistic, how in the hell anybody serving in public office, with the salaries assigned to them can be so ridiculously wealthy?...

Second place... Big business. Why? Corporations that employed thousands of American workers, moving their manufacturing facilities to other countries, mainly China, but including Mexico, India, Thailand, Viet Nam and any other nation where labor was cheaper and taxes were lower... purely out of greed...

Third place... The Government. Why? Because it allowed the previously mentioned to take place and did  anything to stop it. Probably because there were very heavy financial interests playing in their favor.

Why is our unemployed number of Americans reaching close to 20 million today... Was it because of ex-President Clinton, or because of ex-President Busch or is it because of current President Obama?... The truth is that it is because of ALL OF THEM... It is because of ALL MEMBERS OF THE SENATE,
because of ALL MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE, under each one of the Administrations mentioned.

Fourth place... The People. Why? Because we lacked the vision to see what Government, Politicians and
Businesses were doing to our Country... and we allowed it!!!... We were not strong enough to said HOLD IT... your job is to put an stop to these foreign interests, to stop these Corporations from laying-off our fellow citizens and neighbors and take their business to benefit China, Mexico, Honduras, India, Thailand, Viet Nam, etc. or we will remove you from office and replace you with somebody that really cares about the United States of America and its citizenry.

There are no manufacturing jobs left in our Nation and we are all at fault. That one is the single reason why our unemployment rate is at 9.6% nationwide and in some areas of our country at a much higher percentage.

I agree that currently, our Government can do a few things to make the situation a little better, such as funding programs to encourage the small business entrepreneur, who is the real back bone of our economy, to invest and create jobs combined with extending the Busch tax initiatives to alleviate the situation... freezing or reducing taxes is the best medicine to stimulate the economy, but in reality, the only long term remedy to our predicament is to bring back all those jobs we took somewhere else back to America. 

We need to look at this situation with the same courage shown as we accept the responsibility for the tragic financial situation our country is suffering. It is clearly accepted by every member of the world community that there is no labor that compare to the quality of American manufacturing labor, but we have replaced that high quality product that Americans produced and improved with their advance technology with cheap and crappy labor found in the Asian continent, in Africa, India and Latin America, all at the expense of long lines of American workers unable to take care of their families and being 'protected' by a Government wanting to become their only salvation by means of unemployment compensation and/or welfare benefits.

Let me make one statement that I believe is very profound... America has given itself to the job of rebuilding China!!! Why do I say that?... Because it is true that our international debt has risen into the trillions of dollars and the cost of this heavy burden debt in the amount of interest we are paying is making China, the holder of the majority of our debt, into the power house we used to be... I repeat and highlight this last statement 'the power house that America used to be'... here we are, struggling, unable to create jobs for our people, paying billions of dollars to China in interest and in addition to that using the products of inferior quality that we used to manufacture with a much higher level of expertise and durability, and without using components harmful to the health of our citizens, like they do in China, for example, the panels of sheet rock we utilize in our construction industry when we build homes for our children, our elders, our wives; the indiscriminate use of asbestos materials they utilize, since their goal is to build high volume at low prices, no matter what, is dangerous to our families. We used to manufacture everything here and that was why America became the financial power we were. Not only we manufactured everything here, we did it with pride, high quality and competitive pricing among ourselves... but then, somebody discovered that Mexican labor could make more dresses and shirts, pants and television sets at a fraction of the cost of what the American worker charged for their labor and to Mexico we began exporting our textile industry and part of our technological field of communications... not much later we discovered that there was a Nation with a larger population than any other in the world and that we could have everything made there for a lot less... and no one looked at the consequences of these actions... the GREED was much to overcome, after all, just a few years ago these people were starving to death, they couldn't feed that many people... but they found us... the Almighty United States of America! and in 10 or 12 more years their economy will be stronger and bigger than ours, and all because we BUILD their mighty power at the expense of our own people!

I can understand from a business point of view the reasons why our business owner saw an opportunity to make his/her own personal businesses grow... but the Government?... that to me is a different story.

Why do we not impose an import tax on all goods manufactured outside of our borders and coming here for the consumption of our citizens?... Just that measure by itself will balance our deficit... say a 25% tax on any and all products entering our country from anywhere in the world and let them be as cheap as they want to be. What would be the end result of something like this?... the return to our land of many of those manufacturing facilities that went somewhere else to make an extra few bucks... It is simple to fix the problem of budget deficits, unemployment and government regulations that today strangles and upsets our brothers and sisters... 

But... can this be done?... YES, but only if we find the right people elected and forget about their own private interest and think about what we had (not long ago) and we are losing one day at a time...




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