Wednesday, November 3, 2010


America... today is November 3rd., 2010. The day after the tsunami that just rocked the democrats and specially our President Hussein Barack Obama. The day that our House of Representatives experienced a record change of power when Republicans gained over 60 seats in the House and 6 in the Senate, and maybe more... Is this a day to rejoice and celebrate?... No, in my modest opinion. Instead this should be JUDGEMENT DAY.

In my humble opinion today is the day where each and everyone of us should face the truth, once and for all. Leaving aside party lines, today is the day to look at HOW DID WE GET HERE?... And,WHOSE FAULT WAS IT?...

I am aware that the great majority of us refuse to accept being wrong... also, that we invariably look somewhere else to find a 'guilty party'... and it is understandable, nobody wants to be blamed for the mishaps of their country... but, (for once) why are we not 100% honest with ourselves and look at what has happened to America during the last few years. 

It really is everyone's fault... Politicians first. Why? Because they allowed foreign interest to steal the jobs from our cities in exchange for personal benefits in the form of favors, trips, properties, cash, etc. Nobody wants to deal with the facts but these are the reasons why people get involved in politics. How can I benefit myself, as result of my 'devotion' to my constituency... 
Deals, negotiations, taking under the table, perks, voting to serve private interests, and all this is done, hiding behind the best interest of the people... let's be realistic, how in the hell anybody serving in public office, with the salaries assigned to them can be so ridiculously wealthy?...

Second place... Big business. Why? Corporations that employed thousands of American workers, moving their manufacturing facilities to other countries, mainly China, but including Mexico, India, Thailand, Viet Nam and any other nation where labor was cheaper and taxes were lower... purely out of greed...

Third place... The Government. Why? Because it allowed the previously mentioned to take place and did  anything to stop it. Probably because there were very heavy financial interests playing in their favor.

Why is our unemployed number of Americans reaching close to 20 million today... Was it because of ex-President Clinton, or because of ex-President Busch or is it because of current President Obama?... The truth is that it is because of ALL OF THEM... It is because of ALL MEMBERS OF THE SENATE,
because of ALL MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE, under each one of the Administrations mentioned.

Fourth place... The People. Why? Because we lacked the vision to see what Government, Politicians and
Businesses were doing to our Country... and we allowed it!!!... We were not strong enough to said HOLD IT... your job is to put an stop to these foreign interests, to stop these Corporations from laying-off our fellow citizens and neighbors and take their business to benefit China, Mexico, Honduras, India, Thailand, Viet Nam, etc. or we will remove you from office and replace you with somebody that really cares about the United States of America and its citizenry.

There are no manufacturing jobs left in our Nation and we are all at fault. That one is the single reason why our unemployment rate is at 9.6% nationwide and in some areas of our country at a much higher percentage.

I agree that currently, our Government can do a few things to make the situation a little better, such as funding programs to encourage the small business entrepreneur, who is the real back bone of our economy, to invest and create jobs combined with extending the Busch tax initiatives to alleviate the situation... freezing or reducing taxes is the best medicine to stimulate the economy, but in reality, the only long term remedy to our predicament is to bring back all those jobs we took somewhere else back to America. 

We need to look at this situation with the same courage shown as we accept the responsibility for the tragic financial situation our country is suffering. It is clearly accepted by every member of the world community that there is no labor that compare to the quality of American manufacturing labor, but we have replaced that high quality product that Americans produced and improved with their advance technology with cheap and crappy labor found in the Asian continent, in Africa, India and Latin America, all at the expense of long lines of American workers unable to take care of their families and being 'protected' by a Government wanting to become their only salvation by means of unemployment compensation and/or welfare benefits.

Let me make one statement that I believe is very profound... America has given itself to the job of rebuilding China!!! Why do I say that?... Because it is true that our international debt has risen into the trillions of dollars and the cost of this heavy burden debt in the amount of interest we are paying is making China, the holder of the majority of our debt, into the power house we used to be... I repeat and highlight this last statement 'the power house that America used to be'... here we are, struggling, unable to create jobs for our people, paying billions of dollars to China in interest and in addition to that using the products of inferior quality that we used to manufacture with a much higher level of expertise and durability, and without using components harmful to the health of our citizens, like they do in China, for example, the panels of sheet rock we utilize in our construction industry when we build homes for our children, our elders, our wives; the indiscriminate use of asbestos materials they utilize, since their goal is to build high volume at low prices, no matter what, is dangerous to our families. We used to manufacture everything here and that was why America became the financial power we were. Not only we manufactured everything here, we did it with pride, high quality and competitive pricing among ourselves... but then, somebody discovered that Mexican labor could make more dresses and shirts, pants and television sets at a fraction of the cost of what the American worker charged for their labor and to Mexico we began exporting our textile industry and part of our technological field of communications... not much later we discovered that there was a Nation with a larger population than any other in the world and that we could have everything made there for a lot less... and no one looked at the consequences of these actions... the GREED was much to overcome, after all, just a few years ago these people were starving to death, they couldn't feed that many people... but they found us... the Almighty United States of America! and in 10 or 12 more years their economy will be stronger and bigger than ours, and all because we BUILD their mighty power at the expense of our own people!

I can understand from a business point of view the reasons why our business owner saw an opportunity to make his/her own personal businesses grow... but the Government?... that to me is a different story.

Why do we not impose an import tax on all goods manufactured outside of our borders and coming here for the consumption of our citizens?... Just that measure by itself will balance our deficit... say a 25% tax on any and all products entering our country from anywhere in the world and let them be as cheap as they want to be. What would be the end result of something like this?... the return to our land of many of those manufacturing facilities that went somewhere else to make an extra few bucks... It is simple to fix the problem of budget deficits, unemployment and government regulations that today strangles and upsets our brothers and sisters... 

But... can this be done?... YES, but only if we find the right people elected and forget about their own private interest and think about what we had (not long ago) and we are losing one day at a time...




Saturday, October 23, 2010

11 days to Take America Back

I have been 'glued' to the television set watching the news, both the liberal and conservative press, with regards the mid term elections coming in just 11 days, absorbing each word in the debates among candidates... some of them make me feel ashamed and angry due to the nature of the personal attacks against the integrity and values of their opponents, instead of campaigning by tackling the issues affecting the citizenship of their respective districts, because at the end of the day that is the one and only thing we voters, really care about.

Attacks like the ones made by the democratic party candidate Jack Conway in Kentucky when he questioned the religious beliefs of Rand Paul, the candidate for the Republican Party, without any foundation basing the accusations on something somebody said 30 years ago when Mr. Paul was in college and what is sad is that Mr. Conway can not prove the arguments used. Old technique of reaching for false testimonies to steer away from the facts. How far are these devilish people willing to go in order to maintain their positions and the power given to those holding posts in the House and/or the Senate in Washington? 

Similar situation has developed in the campaign for the Governorship of the State of California when the ex-governor of the State Mr. Jerry Brown is attempting to serve another period in Sacramento and has chosen to smear the reputation of his opponent, Mrs. Meg Whitman by bringing into the campaign the firing almost two years ago of a 'poor immigrant' (should read an 'illegal immigrant') by Mrs. Whitman due to her own confession to the fact that she had secured the job at Mrs. Whitman's residence by lying to the employment agency used to fill the position of housekeeper at the household. She admitted to Mrs. Whitman that she had provided the Agency with a social security number, driver's license and immigration documents belonging to another person. That makes it not only illegal but fraudulent. Mrs. Whitman has proven that when retaining the services of the employment agency she had two requirements to be met, first, the person applying for the job 'had to have a legal immigration status in the country' and second, had to have the experience and knowledge to perform the duties of the position... What else can be expected of her to do?
This person was hired and was employed by Mrs. Whitman for a period of over 8 years and getting paid at the rate of $23.00 per hour... YES, you heard right... $23.00 per hour (very abusive eh?). The only reason why this woman was terminated was because she decided to make Mrs. Whitman aware of her 'illegal immigrant' condition. I can't understand... why? Beyond any type of common sense reasoning.
Now not only is Mr. Brown and his band of old time politicians trying to make Mrs. Whitman appear like a person with anti-immigrant sentiments, but 'somebody' has  brought into the matter the presence of Mrs. Gloria Alred, well known lawyer specialized in representing dubious cases involving minorities, politicians and members of the entertainment community, high profiles with potential for good pay days, not necessarily from winning her cases but for benefiting third parties as the result of her actions... a real disgusting character, with a complete lack of principles and comparable only to another sickening person like is the Speaker of the House Mrs. Nancy Pelosi... Two that should stick together in their efforts to destroy America. Those two ladies are the shame of the United States of America! 

In reality this whole matter has much more to do with other unrelated reasons. Let us look at some undeniable facts, America is witnessing a group of female business executives, entering the field of politics and the establishment is having a hard time accepting it... in 2010 the U.S. Government is being 'threatened' by a large group of women that up to now were supposed to be at home, cleaning, washing, cooking and raising children and... suddenly here they are, impacting the political landscape of the Nation, and it is difficult to deal with them because very little can be said in a derogatory way about their backgrounds... you want to see what I mean... well here we go. Let's start with Sarah Palin. Very successful ex-Governor of the State of Alaska and the force behind the creation and establishment of the Tea Party movement, the one that has most old politicians from both sides of the aisle, very nervous... A real powerful and unafraid female to be reckon with!... Meg Whitman, ex CEO of the largest on line auction in the world, E-BAY... business she began running when it had 15 employees and that she grew to a multi-billion dollar giant with close to 20,000 employees today... Another powerful and strong female to be reckon with!... Carly Fiorina, one of the top executives for A.T.&T. for many years, working her way up to the position of CEO for the powerful and large corporation named Hewlett-Packard... lots of grid, experience and know how... and there are many more like these.  Are they threatening the old establishment?.... You bet!!!  Why?... because the great majority of our past politicians have been too busy making deals to benefit special interest groups that in turn enriched them. They have not been doing what these newcomers have done. Get educated, prepared, and experienced...and they know it!!! They are running scared, they know their time has come, it is only 11 days away and suddenly they will be experiencing what millions of Americans have since this regime took office... the Unemployment Lines!!! and they can not deal with these facts, that is why they slender, attack and embarrass themselves trying to justify the unjustifiable.

I believe that the Destiny of our Country is at stake. It has been proven that the representatives and senators we elected to represent us, are not the best. In 2008 we heard about CHANGES... but the young people, and the female voters joined forces with the liberals and gave Obama his opportunity to show us how we could be better... Now America is READY to show what we expected when he talked about  Changes. We will make sure this time there will be real CHANGES...The results of the Obama Presidency are well known to all... We had the President we elected for 20 months. To recap his Presidency does not take any type of intellectual, politician or well versed writer. 
Only takes someone that can gather facts and lay them out:

> We knew we elected someone who wrote a book where he admitted being mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Communist
> We knew Obama's grandparents were strong socialists who sent his Mom to a Socialist school where she met Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's mentor while growing up
> Obama was enrolled as a Muslim child in school and his father and grandfather were both Muslims
.> He wrote in another book he authored 'I will stand with Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction'
> He admittedly said in his book that 'he chose Marxist friends and professors in college'
> We knew he traveled to Pakistan, after college on an unknown national passport
> He sought the endorsement of the Marxist Party in 1996 when he ran for the Illinois Senate
> He sat in a Chicago church for twenty years listening to a preacher that spew hatred for America
> That he was voted the 'most liberal senator in Congress'
> That he refused to wear a flag label pin, and did it only after a public outcry
> That he stood with his hands over his groin area for the playing of the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance
> When he surrounded himself in the White House with advisors that were pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and wanting to curtail freedom of speech to silence the opposition
> When he said he favors sex education in Kindergarten, including homosexual indoctrination
> When his own background was scrubbed or hidden and nothing could be found
> When his place of birth was called into question and he refused to produce a birth certificate
> When he had an association with Tony Rezco, a man now in prison, who cut him a sweet deal on the purchase of his home
> When it became know that George Soros, a multi-billionaire Marxist, spent tons of money to get him elected
> When he started appointed White House Czars that were radicals, revolutionaries and avowed Marxist
> When he told the Nation that he was to 'fundamentally transform this Nation'
> When it became known that he trained ACORN workers in Chicago and was the Attorney for ACORN
> When he appointed Cabinet members and advisors who were tax cheats and socialists
> When he appointed a Science Czar (John Holdren) who believes in forced abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers
> When he appointed Cass Sunstein, Kevin Jennings, Mark Lloyd, Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn, Carol Brunner,Van Jones, Tom Daschle, he appointed people that approved of harvesting human organs without family consent, allow animals to be represented in court, banning all hunting, a homosexual with bad history of advice to teenagers, believer in curtailment of free speech, taking from one to give to another, Hugo Chavez
supporters, a Mao-Tse-Tung lover, ex-convict who had to resign when it became known, a tax cheat that could not be confirmed because of it... and on and on.
> When as President of EE UU he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, or travel around the world critizicing
America, or his actions concerning the Middle East seemed to support Palestinians over Israel, or when he took American tax dollars to resettle thousands of Palestinians from Gaza to the United States, or what about when he upset the Europeans by removing plans for a missile defense system against the Russians, or played politics in Afghanistan by not sending troops early-on when Field Commanders said they were necessary to win... and it get worse, when he started spending us into a debt so big we could not pay it off, and then came up with the 'great' spending bill under the guise 'stimulus' and used to pay off organizations, unions and individuals that got him elected...
> When he took over insurance companies, car companies, banks, etc, or took away student loans from the banks and put it under government control... and then the top of crown jewel
> When he designed plans to take over the health care system and put it under government control
> When he claimed he was a Christian during the campaign for election and later, tapes were made public that showed Obama speaking to a Muslim group stating that he was raised a Muslim, was educated as a Muslim and that he still is a Muslim

> When he finally completes the transformation of America into a Socialist State and people finally wake up-- it will be too late... 

All these items in the preceding paragraphs can be very easily documented... before you disavow this do an Internet search. The final preceding paragraph is not yet cast in stone... You and I will write the end of that
paragraph and November 2, 2010 is the date to write it. Are we going to let 200 years of pain, suffering, building values, sacrificing lives, building the best society the world has yet seen... go to waste and become a Society where we will let a few (the Government) dictate what we do, what we say, what we think, how we spend, how we raise our children, what religion we practice, where we work ?????????

November 2 2 2010 is just a few days away... we can change it all RIGHT THAT DAY... Let's get rid of Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Brown, Barney, and along with our new blood let us begin rebuilding, creating free enterprise jobs, stop the waste of monies, get Americans off the Unemployment lines, the Welfare rolls, the Government subsidies to get voted back in... We are a country of Builders... Stop trying to convert us into a Nation of Takers!!! VOTE CONSERVATIVE... YOUR VOTE IS CRITICAL!!!  

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reasons Why I Write this Blog

Welcome to my Blog. It will be shameful to waste the fabulous opportunity offered by new technology found in the ever growing worldwide web, known as the Internet. To be able and use a vehicle that allows  you the opportunity to reach millions of people in our Universe, from the convenience of your own small home office, is unbelievable.
Of course, there is no way I know how many will access these writings. Will it be read by millions, thousands, hundreds or perhaps only a handful of friends and relatives? That is not important to me. At this point in my life being sincere with myself is what matters. I am not looking for fame, employment, recognition or any type of political aspirations. To explain the reasons that motivate me to write this blog rewinds me back to my birth place... it is there the answers are found!

May 1956. I was 18 years old. Engaged to Martha (still currently my wife after over half a century).
Young, explosive, full of energy, desire and inexperienced. Just out of secondary school, very much in love and looking for the right job to marry my sweetheart and begin living as a couple, raising a family. We were born in Havana, Cuba and during this time I finished my education becoming an Accountant. Began my career in the banking industry. Our island was suffering difficult times in its politics. The Government in power had taken control of the country by a 'military coup' on September 4, 1952. The democratic government elected by  free choice of the people was forced out of the country while a group of officers of the Cuban Army, following the leadership of a Sargent named Fulgencio Batista Zaldivar, assumed the leadership of the institutions. Immediately following the 'coup' a group of students at the University of Havana began protesting against the intrusion of the military forces and it is there that the revolutionary process was born. There were  different ideas among the students regarding 'how to' combat the military government'. One of these groups was organized by a young lawyer named Fidel Castro Ruz, his idea was to fight the regime with an armed uprising. With this idea in mind on July 26, 1953 Castro and a small group of his followers attacked an Army based known as Moncada's Barracks in Santiago de Cuba. This resulted in a failed attempt to take the country back from the military. During the battle ensued many of the insurgents lost their lives and the rest was captured. Among the prisoners was Fidel Castro himself. He was found guilty on a civil suit and sentenced to serve 15 years in Isla de Pinos prison. That day in history gave Castro's group their name for which they are known: 'the 26 of July movement'.

Fidel Castro's father was born in Galicia, Spain and was a sugar planter. Fidel was educated in catholic schools. His family enjoyed a social and financial status above average for Cubans. It was the financial position and the tight connections to the Catholic Church that permitted the family to approach Batista and utilizing friends, church pressures along with the liberal press in the United States, were able to have Fidel sent into exile to Mexico in 1955. It is from there that in December 1956 Castro and a small group of men (82 in total) invaded Cuba in a ship named Granma near Manzanillo, eastern part of the Island. The invaders were easily defeated by the military forces of the Government and only 18 of them survived in the nearby Sierra Maestra, where Castro setup his operational base and remained until the first day of  January 1959, waging guerrillas war, propagandizing and polarizing Cuban opinion in a way that he became the sole credible power in Cuba.

But, how was this small group of men managed,  in a very short time, 12/56 to 1/1/59 (just a little over 2 years) overthrow a military regime properly armed and financially able to create the basis to eliminate any type of subversive activities? There are two reasons for this, the first one was the abuses being perpetrated
by most public servants, commencing with Batista himself. They were a bunch of insatiable thieves draining the once very stable financial condition of the Island. In order to continue raping the country's financial resources, they created a repressive organization to torture and kill anyone opposing their system, the young and brave did not stop protesting and verbalizing their disdain for the corruption and abuses committed by the armed forces, local police and members of the repressive departments created to repel any signs of protest. The second reason why this revolution succeeded was because as result of the crimes being perpetrated by the authorities, more and more people began to unite in a common effort to end what was happening to the little island that not long ago had been an example in prosperity, educational standards, entrepreneurial success, well above every other Latin Nation in the fields of medicine, engineering, science, literacy, just about in every area you can think of... Cuba was at the top. Our Cuban Peso was at-par with the American dollar, in fact, many in the Island got on planes and travel 90 miles to Southern Florida and pay for all goods and services with Cuban Pesos. No other Latin American country has ever been able to do this. 

That is how I became involved in politics, without having an appetite for it and in spite of being young and inexperienced, the circumstances forced me to, (as it did thousands of other Cubans), get involved trying to guarantee a future to the children Martha and I planned in having. An underground movement, unprecedented in the history of human kind was born, we all had a function to carry out in order to cooperate with the renaissance of our country... cells of  participants formed, nobody knew who the other members on the cell were because if you got caught the repressive elements of the Government did not stop at whatever means they felt was necessary to make you blow the whistle and name who else was involved... Millions of pesos began to be raised and suddenly the small contingent of soldiers in the mountains were not alone, the financial resources created allowed for the acquisition of weapons, ammunition, armored vehicles, adequate food and clothing, incorporation of new combatants to other areas of the island, using the same principles of Sierra Maestra, international support for the cause we all believe in... STOP the stealing, torturing, killing and make our country the place we all wanted to be, a paradise for the benefit and enjoyment of 'all Cubans'... that is what drove Batista out of Cuba and yielded the Government to Castro... At no time during this period there was a declaration of any alliance to communism from the lips of Castro or any of his commandants... that is the hardest yet most painful experience learned from all this, to discover how it is that politicians are in their majority 'dirty', 'liars', 'manipulators of masses', 'people can't be trusted'.
For a very long time these scars stay with you and can't help but question the reasons why you did it... then you find a career, your children are born and you find a new reason for which to live, however, what happened... will never leave you. Cannot help thinking and questioning, what could I have done different?...

Upon the so-called "triumph" of the Cuban revolution and the success of Castro and his troops, January 1, 1959, I had barely turned 21 years old, and suddenly was elected Delegate of my work place's syndicate (union). Very powerful position since I worked for the largest Bank in the country with a total of 61 branches in the island and well over 2,000 union members in the ranks. I believe this happened as a result of both my activities in the underground during the difficult times of fighting the military and my abilities to learn quickly about social laws coupled with my outgoing personality, which permitted me to make friends easily among the members and the representatives of the employer. I was well liked and accepted by all and felt that was making a major contribution to the cause all Cubans had risked their lives for... the freedom and independence of our home land. At age 21 that is how I analyzed and looked at my life and then I was awakened... how painful to wake up to reality! Here is what happened:

The delegates from all different banks gathered together for a National Planning Conference to set the guidelines of what and how we were going to benefit our members in the Island... The gathering took place in the City of Havana... There were probably around 800 of us holding similar positions at different institutions, some larger than others; of course, the responsibility of my job weighed heavily since I represented  the largest concentration of members, and I was eager to learn, was happy, Cuba was free, as such I listen attentively to the National leaders of the Federation and to my surprise a well known group of members of the Communist Party began to outline a program of  'how-to-do' and 'what-to-do' and the delegates were following with attention their presentation... immediately I requested the use of the microphone from the Chairman and when granted, questioned in the open floor the whereabouts of  members of the Communist Party during the tough days of risking our lives in order to either raise funds by selling bonds to the citizenry, transporting food, cloth and worst yet, weapons and ammunition to the forces on the hills since the Party was closely keeping ties with Batista...

Today I still questioned how it is that I'm alive and/or free... the maximum leader of the Bankers Syndicate in the province of Havana took me aside and told me 'Gil, you're very young, please try to refrain your energy and finally understand that those people you are confronting are under direct orders from Fidel himself'...

I believe the hand of God has been directly involved in my life since. This person that opened my eyes was sentenced later on to 30 years in prison when they discovered he was a dissident. I don't know what happened to him but I will be forever grateful, because in my heart I think he apologized in my behalf and blamed my attitude in my young age and inexperienced... he saved my life, otherwise I believe I would have been given a long term sentence and/or the death penalty... That was the end of my relationship with the Cuban Revolution, with Fidel Castro and  my involvement in  Unions and Syndicates... after those difficult moments I resigned my appointment and began experiencing the same type of persecution and harassment all Cubans suffer when they disagree with anything they say or do.
Suffered the pain of being jailed for and had to hide while getting the visas for my family and my own for a trip outside of my land that has not had a return... and maybe never will. But I still miss my beautiful Cuba!

After reading this first article to my Blog, I hope you will understand the reasons why I decided to write... when I was very young a group of my own people used me along with a whole country and a great part of the world, exploiting my pure idealistic sentiments and desire for a better future for the people of my country... today in the United States of America, my second country, the one that opened up its arm and embraced my family and me I see danger...

imminent danger in the behavior of a group very similar to the one back home, with different names Barack Obama (instead of Fidel Castro), Nancy Pelosi, & Harry Reid (instead of Ché Guevara & Raúl Castro)... different times, different names, but a common denominator, the same lies, same objective, the destruction of what has been created with the sacrifices and blood of honest, hard working Americans... and I don't know what to do... but I know that I have to do something to open eyes and create conscience in order to stop this out of control race geared to the elimination of all democratic institutions that have made of our country, an example to the rights and liberties of all Nations in the world.

I consider my most sacred duty and responsibility to try, to the best of my abilities, take a message to all citizens of the United States, no matter where they have come from, this is the Great Melting Pot.


Let us not allow that this 'bunch' of servants to other systems of Government succeed...!!!

Let us not allow that these people destroy the Nation that we all helped create and love...!!!

If ONLY one person read my Articles and react against what this group of liberals, socialists and leftists, are trying to do to our beloved country, the time invested by me trying to bring the truth to all of you, will be more than worth the effort...

November 2, 2010 is ONLY 49 days away... That will be the time to take our Country back...

Remember, that day will mark the beginning of putting America back in the right course again... let's start by taking the House, the Senate and the Cities away from them... the final blow will come in 2012!!!

Now is time to send them the message... we don't want anybody representing us, that in their hearts feel the way our enemies do... LET'S TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK... WITH THE POWER OF OUR VOTES!